A Blood Pressure Test for Your Manufacturing Business

October 14, 2024

A Blood Pressure Test for Your Manufacturing Business-min

When was the last time you had your blood pressure tested?

Measuring blood pressure is often one of the first steps a doctor takes before addressing any health concerns. This simple test provides a reliable snapshot of your overall health and can serve as an early warning sign for issues ranging from heart disease to poor circulation.

While it doesn’t give the doctor a complete picture, this straightforward measurement offers valuable insights into your general well-being.

Now, think about your manufacturing business. When was the last time you gave it a thorough check-up? In the manufacturing industry, it’s easy to get caught up in daily operations and overlook underlying issues that could affect your company’s long-term health and value.

Just as a doctor checks your blood pressure to gauge your physical condition, there’s a way to assess the health of your business: the Value Builder Score


Understanding the Value Builder Score


What is the Value Builder Score?

Think of the Value Builder Score as a comprehensive blood pressure test for your business. Just as one powerful ratio—the blood pressure reading—gives doctors insight into your overall health, your Value Builder Score amalgamates key aspects of your business to provide a clear picture of its well-being. It’s an evaluation tool that looks at eight key areas influencing your company’s value:

  1. Financial Performance: Are your revenues and profits trending upward?
  2. Growth Potential: How much room is there to expand your business?
  3. Switzerland Structure: Is your business independent of any one employee, customer, or supplier?
  4. Valuation Teeter-Totter: How well do you manage cash flow?
  5. Recurring Revenue: Do you have stable, predictable income streams?
  6. Monopoly Control: What sets you apart from competitors?
  7. Customer Satisfaction: Are your customers loyal and likely to refer you?
  8. Hub & Spoke: Can your business thrive without you being there every day?

By analyzing these areas, the Value Builder Score provides a clear picture of your company’s strengths and weaknesses. It’s not just about the numbers—it’s about understanding the entire ecosystem of your business.


Take the Value Builder assessment 


Why This Matters for Manufacturing Owners

In manufacturing, challenges like supply chain disruptions, technological advancements, and skilled labor shortages are all too common. Hidden problems can lurk beneath the surface, much like high blood pressure in an otherwise healthy person.

For example:

  • Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Are you too reliant on a single supplier?
  • Technological Lag: Is outdated equipment slowing you down?
  • Customer Concentration: Do a few clients make up most of your revenue?

Identifying and addressing these issues can significantly increase your company’s value, especially if you’re considering selling.


Predicting Good Outcomes Too

When a doctor measures your blood pressure, they’re not just checking for immediate health issues; they’re also using that information to predict your future well-being. Similarly, your Value Builder Score can serve as a forecast for your business’s potential.

Consider this: Based on data from over 10,000 business owners who have completed the Value Builder Score questionnaire, the average offer they receive for their business is 3.7 times their pre-tax profit. However, those who achieve a Value Builder Score of 80 or higher receive offers averaging 6.6 times their pre-tax profit.

To illustrate:

  • An average-performing business generating $500,000 in pre-tax profit might be valued at around $1,850,000 ($500,000 x 3.7).
  • If the same business improves its Value Builder Score to 80+ while maintaining the same profitability, it could be valued closer to $3,300,000 ($500,000 x 6.6).

While there’s no guarantee that boosting your Value Builder Score to 80 will result in an offer exactly 6.6 times your pre-tax profit, this single metric provides valuable insight into your business’s overall performance. With this information, you and your advisor can develop a strategic plan to enhance your company’s health—and its value—in the future.


Don’t Let Hidden Issues Erode Your Business Value

High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” because it often shows no symptoms until significant damage has occurred. Similarly, unnoticed problems within your business can quietly undermine its value.

By proactively assessing your company’s health, you can:

  • Uncover Hidden Risks: Identify areas that could deter potential buyers.
  • Enhance Strengths: Build on what makes your business unique.
  • Increase Market Appeal: Position your company as a valuable opportunity.


How NuVescor Can Help

At NuVescor, we specialize in helping manufacturing business owners like you understand and improve their company’s value. Our team brings deep industry knowledge and a personalized approach to guide you every step of the way.

Our Process:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: We’ll work with you to complete your Value Builder Score.
  2. Strategic Planning: Identify key areas for improvement and develop an action plan.
  3. Implementation Support: Assist you in making changes that enhance value.
  4. Preparation for Sale: When you’re ready, we’ll help you navigate the selling process to achieve the best possible outcome.

Your manufacturing business is more than just numbers on a balance sheet—it’s the result of years of hard work, dedication, and passion. Ensuring its health isn’t just about preparing for a potential sale; it’s about building a stronger, more resilient company for the future.

Don’t wait until hidden issues become major problems. Take control of your business’s health today.

1. What exactly is the Value Builder Score?

It’s a tool that evaluates your business across eight key drivers of value, providing a score out of 100. The higher your score, the more valuable and sellable your business may be. You can access the Value Builder Score here.

2. Is the assessment really free?

Yes, the initial assessment is completely free, with no strings attached. We’re committed to helping business owners understand their company’s health.

3. How long does the process take?

The questionnaire takes about 15 minutes to complete. From there, we can schedule a detailed review to discuss the results at your convenience.

4. I'm not planning to sell right now. Should I still get my Value Builder Score?

Absolutely. Even if selling isn’t on your immediate horizon, understanding your business’s strengths and weaknesses can help you make informed decisions for future growth.

Remember, the best time to check your business’s health is before it shows signs of trouble. Let’s work together to ensure your manufacturing company thrives now and in the years to come.